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Talcum Powder Lawyer

Talcum Powder Lawyer

Talcum Powder May Cause Ovarian Cancer

Harvard researcher, Dr. Daniel Cramer stated that each year, approximately 10,000 women develop ovarian cancer caused by their use of talcum powder. Our talcum powder lawsuit claims the manufacturers including Johnson and Johnson (and others) failed to warn users of talc of the increased risk of ovarian cancer in women who use these products for personal hygiene. Rubenstein Law is seeking compensation for women who had significant exposure to talcum powder, including Johnson’s Baby Powder and a diagnosis of:

  • Ovarian Cancer (Serous Ovarian Cancer, Endometrioid Ovarian Cancer, Clear Cell Ovarian Cancer) OR
  • Fallopian Tube Cancer OR
  • Borderline Serous/Borderline Mucinous Tumors

Cancer Diagnosis After Using Talc?

According to in powder form talc absorbs moisture well and helps cut down on friction, making it useful for keeping skin dry and helping to prevent rashes. Talc is often used in cosmetic products including baby powder and adult body and facial powders, as well as many other consumer products. One of the primary producers of talc-based products in the U.S. is Johnson & Johnson. Even though they stopped selling talcum baby powder in North America as of May 2020, they are now facing lawsuits across the country for failing to warn consumers of cancer risks. For decades, talc was ubiquitous to store shelves, and executives aware of the link to cancer did not issue warnings to consumers., says talcum powder may cause cancer in the ovaries when the powder is used in the genital area or on sanitary napkins, diaphragms, or condoms if the particles travel to a woman’s reproductive organs during regular use.

Other manufacturers may include but are not limited to: Valeant Pharmaceuticals and Baby Magic Baby Powder. Because talc is widely used in many products, it is important to determine if one has developed cancer as a cause of the powder. The more regular the use of talcum powder by a woman the higher the risk for developing cancer.

Are you a Candidate to File a Talcum Powder Lawsuit?

Talcum powder may cause ovarian and reproductive cancer in women who use it routinely for feminine hygiene. A 2008 study from Harvard epidemiologist Dr. Margaret Gates, states that women who use talcum powder daily face a 41% increase in risk for ovarian cancer.

Candidates to file a talcum powder lawsuit should be:

  • 21 years or older at the age of cancer diagnosis
  • A regular user of Johnson & Johnson or Shower to Shower talcum powder for two (2) or more years
  • Diagnosed with either Ovarian Cancer, Fallopian Tube Cancer or Borderline Serous/Borderline Mucinous Tumors
  • Treated or diagnosed from 2009-present
  • Must have used talcum powder in the genital area regularly before menopause

If you lost a loved one who was a regular user of Johnson & Johnson or Shower to Shower talcum powder to any of the above cancers, you may be eligible to file a claim on their behalf. The case must be filed within two (2) years of their death. Call us, there’s no cost to answer your questions or discuss the specifics of your situation.

Time May Be Running Out To File A Claim

While Johnson & Johnson and other manufacturers deny any link between talcum powder and cancer, they pulled talcum products from store shelves in May 2020. This could also mean time is running out to file your claim. Contact us today, we are happy to answer your questions on your rights to file a lawsuit for your talc related reproductive cancer. We are here 24/7 to answer your questions. All consultations are free. Remote and virtual appointments are available. No costs or fees unless or until you win money.

Talcum Powder Lawsuit Verdict Amounts

  • March 2019, a California jury awarded $30 million to Teresa Leavitt who was diagnosed with mesothelioma which the jury found was caused by the use of Johnson & Johnson talcum powder.
  • July 2018, a St. Louis jury awarded 22 women $4.6 billion against Johnson & Johnson for causing them to suffer ovarian cancer related to the use of baby powder and asbestos fibers contained in the J&J product.
  • May 2018, Joanne Anderson received a $25 million jury verdict after a jury concluded that Ms. Anderson’s mesothelioma was caused by her use of talcum powder on her children and while she bowled.
  • August 2017, Eva Echeverria received a $417 million jury verdict. She was dying from stage 4 ovarian cancer, after having used baby powder on a daily basis from the 1950s through 2016. The verdict included $68 million in compensatory damages and $340 million in punitive damages.
  • May 2017, a St. Louis jury awarded $110 million to Louis Slemp who was being treated for aggressive ovarian cancer that had metastasized to her liver. She had used baby powder for more than 40 years.
  • November 2016, a California jury returned a verdict of $70 million for Deborah Giannecchini. She was undergoing radiation and chemotherapy for ovarian cancer and had used talcum powder for more than 40 years. Sixty-five million dollars of the verdict was for punitive damages.
  • May 2016, $55 million jury verdict in favor of Gloria Ristesund, who was being treated for ovarian cancer. She used Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder for decades.
  • February 2016, $72 million, including $62 million in punitive damages by a jury that determined that Johnson & Johnson was responsible for the death of Jacqueline Fox, who used talcum powder for personal hygiene for over 35 years.