Initial Offer: $125,000 | Final Result: $1,750,000
After 4 days of trial, a Broward County jury returned a fair and just verdict for our client who slipped and fell at a Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market on November 19, 2018. Although our client had some pain initially, he was not seen for any immediate medical care. Twenty-one days later, our client decided his pain was not getting better and he needed medical help. After months of conservative medical care, our client was ultimately required to undergo a left knee arthroscopic surgery to repair medial and lateral meniscus tears, a two-level lumbar endoscopic microdiscectomy to repair herniations, and a left elbow ulnar transposition to help alleviate numbness running from his pinky finger to his elbow. While the surgeries significantly helped the pain and discomfort our client was feeling, he continued with pain, even up to the time of trial. The last offer from the defendant before trial was $200,000.