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Boston Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Have you or someone you love experienced a brain injury due to the negligence of someone else in the Boston area? Call the brain injury attorneys at Rubenstein Law. We may be able to help you get compensation.

A brain injury can take place following any kind of accident. If you are involved in an accident, you should always make sure that a physician evaluates you for potential brain injuries. Seeking immediate medical attention after an accident will also strengthen your legal claim should you choose to file one.

Many people are unaware of the multiple impacts that a serious brain injury can have on every area of their life. If you suffered a brain injury and need legal guidance, call us. A Boston brain injury lawyer from Rubenstein Law can review your case to help determine if you are entitled to pursue financial compensation.

Where Do Traumatic Brain Injuries Commonly Occur?

Every day, whether you know it or not, you encounter hidden hazards that could put you at risk of incurring a brain injury. Commuting to and from work, walking around a city park, getting your afternoon workout in, or even just running your day-to-day errands, an accident that could change the rest of your life can take place in the blink of an eye.

In a densely populated city like Boston, there are countless options when it comes to work, shopping, dining, and recreational activities. There are some places, however, that come with a heightened risk of receiving a traumatic brain injury.

Places a Boston brain injury accident could possibly take place include:

  • Gyms
  • Interstates and highways
  • Amusement parks/Theme parks
  • Water parks/Trampoline parks
  • National parks
  • Retail outlets, strip malls, and shopping malls
  • Public spaces, such as parks and libraries
  • Private property
  • Your place of employment

If you sustained a brain injury in Boston or the surrounding area, reach out to the Boston brain injury lawyers at Rubenstein Law today for a free consultation.

About Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury has a direct impact on the brain and the way it functions. In fact, scientists have found that even an ostensibly minor injury to the neck or head could have a major effect on the brain and the way it operates. It is not unusual for brain injury victims to not even realize they have been injured until symptoms begin to manifest and become too much to take.

Since the human brain is a crucial part of a person’s central nervous system, any disruption in its function, especially one caused by a serious injury, could result in a permanent disability and change every aspect of how the victim feels, functions, and behaves.

Traumatic brain injuries vary widely in their severity as does their impact on a person’s life. Although minor brain injuries can result in inconvenience and pain in the short term, more severe injuries could mean irreparable long-term effects and impairment to the injured person.

Brain injuries are grouped into one of two different categories: closed and penetrating. Both types of these injuries qualify as traumatic brain injuries, but the presentation of symptoms can be dramatically different. No matter what kind of injury is involved, any physical damage to a person’s brain will have a negative impact on their life and their future if they do not receive prompt and proper medical care. 

Closed Brain Injuries

In a closed brain injury, an external force causes a non-penetrating injury to the skull. They are caused by a rapid backward or forward movement, like in a car accident, or shaking of the brain, like with Shaken Baby Syndrome. This results in bruising as well as tearing of the blood vessels and brain tissue. These injuries often develop over time and are not usually immediately obvious after an accident, but they can still be life-threatening.

Some examples of closed brain injuries are:

Penetrating Brain Injuries

A penetrating brain injury, also known as an open head injury, is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by an external force or object piercing the skull and exposing brain matter. Penetrating brain injuries are visible and immediately apparent.

Common examples of penetrating brain injuries are:

  • Stab wounds
  • Gunshot wound
  • Blunt force trauma
  • Other debris or objects penetrating the skull

Accidents That Can Lead to a Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury is a preventable injury that usually stems from certain types of accidents. Our brains are particularly vulnerable to extreme changes in momentum and force. In many serious brain injury cases, the person involved is unable to adequately brace themselves against the impact or protect their neck and head from whatever outside source is involved.

Whether or not the individual in question faces a high probability of a serious brain injury will depend on several different factors, such as their age and their current health condition, the magnitude and direction of the external force, the location of impact on their body, as well as the severity of the accident itself.

Any type of accident can result in a traumatic brain injury, but here are the most common accidents that can lead to traumatic brain injuries:

Motor Vehicle Collisions

Accidents that involve any kind of motor vehicle, cyclist, or pedestrian are the leading cause of traumatic brain injuries. Car accidents typically involve a great deal of force due to the speed and size of an automobile. Although penetrating brain injuries can be caused by these accidents, closed brain injuries are much more common here.

Trip/Slip and Fall Accidents

When a person slips, trips, or falls due to an unforeseen occurrence, like a slippery floor, they often hit their head on the ground or a nearby object. The forceful impact of their head on an unyielding surface places the person in danger of sustaining a traumatic brain injury.

Animal Attacks

Many people think that being bitten is the worst thing that can happen if you are attacked by a dog or another animal. However, studies have shown that falling due to being dragged or pushed causes an increased risk of damage to their brains, necks, and heads.

Blasts and Explosions

TBIs are commonly associated with the injuries endured by war veterans that were caused by the aftermath of bombs and other explosive devices. Although bombs are not routinely detonated in the greater Boston area, there are a variety of situations, such as a gas leak, that could cause an explosion that leads to brain injuries.  

Recreational Activities

Sporting events and other recreational activities, like riding ATVs, boating, ziplining, rafting, and skiing, can all lead to accidents that cause traumatic brain injuries. Children and teenagers face a heightened risk of receiving a recreation-related brain injury.

Objects or Debris Striking the Head

Any scenario that involves loose debris or an object hitting you in the head could cause a brain injury. The seriousness of the injury will depend mainly on the size and speed of the object along with where on your head the impact occurred.

Medical Procedures

If a patient experiences anoxia or hypoxic ischemia while they are under anesthesia, even the smallest delay in returning respiratory and support can lead to brain injury. Brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen can occur in as few as 60 seconds and lifelong damage will follow in just a few minutes. If you feel like you are experiencing symptoms of a traumatic brain injury after a medical procedure, such as surgery, your surgeon, nurse, or another healthcare provider may have been negligent with your care and be directly responsible for your injury.

Job Site Accidents

Warehouses, construction sites, factories, oil rigs, logging camps, and other job sites are very dangerous places. Large machinery, heavy materials, and loose cargo put workers at an increased risk of experiencing serious injuries, especially brain injuries. If you were injured while on the job and are showing signs or symptoms of a brain injury, you might be entitled to pursue compensation.

Working with a Boston brain injury lawyer will ensure that you collect the full amount of financial compensation you need to cover your damages. Call us today for a free consultation.

The Cost of a Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury will have a serious effect on a person’s overall abilities, health, and general well-being. The consequences of a traumatic brain injury will not only be extremely expensive but they also come with many personal costs from which some people may never recover. 

The impacts of a traumatic brain injury often catch victims off guard. Although most expect some hardships and inconveniences caused by their injury, they normally underestimate the effects that their injuries will have on their daily lives and their ability to enjoy life at all.

Financial Impacts

For TBI survivors, the medical expenses for their treatment and care are quite high. This is one of the biggest reasons why those who have suffered a brain injury struggle to find enjoyment in life after their accident. The financial burden is so high that it causes a nearly unbearable amount of stress.

Brain injuries are often slow to develop and, over time, can lead to the development of other conditions and complications that demand long-term care. The medical expenses will be even greater for serious brain injuries requiring long hospital stays and physical therapy. Many look to their insurance companies to cover these costs, but they usually max out their coverage because their damages exceed the policy’s limitations. This leaves a lot of brain injury survivors with mountains of medical bills but no ability to pay them.

Physical Impacts

In some cases, TBIs cause permanent disabilities. The area of the brain impacted by the injury can affect a person’s ability to function normally and see to their own daily needs. A TBI can also affect a victim’s speech, mobility, motor skills, and thought processes. Rehabilitation and therapy will almost certainly be necessary and extremely difficult. Most brain injury victims have to work exceptionally hard just to make little bits of progress in their recovery, hoping to eventually gain back some of the skills, abilities, and strength they lost in the accident.

Physical impacts of a traumatic brain injury could involve:

  • Paraplegia/Quadriplegia
  • Recurring headaches and general discomfort
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Problems with hearing and vision
  • Memory loss
  • Seizures
  • Vertigo
  • Loss of ability to reason
  • Unable to concentrate or focus
  • Inability to make proper decisions or exercise good judgment

Emotional and Psychological Impacts

The correlation between mental health conditions and TBIs has gained a lot of attention in recent years. These injuries change the chemical composition of the victim’s brain, resulting in drastic changes to their behaviors and mood. Those who have suffered brain injuries often exhibit feelings of frustration and find it hard to keep their actions and impulses under control the way they did before their accident.

Common emotional and mental conditions caused by TBI include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mood disorders
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Panic disorders

A TBI is a serious, life-changing injury. If you feel you may have sustained a traumatic brain injury in an avoidable Boston accident due to someone else’s negligence, you might be wondering what symptoms to look out for and what rights you have under Massachusetts law.

What Are the Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury?

The minutes that follow an accident are confusing and chaotic. When this combines with panic and a serious surge of adrenaline, it is easy to see why many accident victims fail to realize they are injured. They commonly mistake the “dazed and confused” feeling as a culmination of events rather than indications of a brain injury. If you don’t feel right at any point after an accident, please get immediate medical care to rule out any potentially permanent or life-threatening complications.

Warning signs to look out for after an accident that can indicate a traumatic brain injury include:

  • Impaired senses
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Out-of-body sensation
  • Issues with memory and focus
  • Sudden onset of anxiety or depression
  • Sharp mood swings for no apparent reason
  • Chronic headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia or other sleep issues
  • Gastrointestinal issues and nausea
  • Seizures
  • “Pins and needles” feeling in extremities
  • Weakness
  • Problems with coordination
  • Impaired speech

Remember that TBIs manifest themselves differently from person to person. If you start to experience troubling symptoms days or even weeks after an accident, they are most likely related to the accident. Never assume you are medically in the clear just because a day or two has passed without incident. A traumatic brain injury can grow slowly and get worse as time passes. The sooner you can seek medical intervention, the better your chances for recovery.

Can You Fully Recover After a TBI?

It is impossible to predict how your recovery is going to go after a traumatic brain injury. Moderate to severe injuries can have permanent impacts and effects that last for years into the future. Even minor traumas, like mild concussions, could take weeks or months to fully heal. Some brain injury sufferers never heal. Brain injuries can cause permanent disability and damage. The recovery and healing process often takes years and requires dedication to treatments and therapy in order to improve or regain lost abilities and functions.

What Compensation is Available for a Traumatic Brain Injury Victim?

TBIs can have a lasting effect on your ability to enjoy your life and do the things you once loved to do. The damages sustained in an accident that causes a traumatic brain injury are usually demanding and hard to handle. The amount of financial compensation that you are able to pursue for your damages will hinge primarily on the degree of your injuries and how they are anticipated to affect your life in the years to come.

Normally, people with a TBI focus solely on their direct medical costs and how they are going to pay them. Legal damages in a negligence action, however, reach well past the monetary losses you encounter. A brain injury lawyer can help you ensure that you collect not just the damages related to your current medical care, but for your future medical expenses and the wages you would have earned in the future as well. You may also have a right to collect for your pain and suffering.

Damages in a traumatic brain injury accident may involve:

  • Lost wages and lost future earning capacity
  • Current and projected medical expenses
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Pain and suffering
  • Wrongful death damages if a family member dies from TBI

Work With an Experienced Boston Brain Injury Lawyer 

At Rubenstein Law, we work hard to protect our clients from the harmful actions of negligent parties. If you sustained a traumatic brain injury in a negligence-based accident, you could be eligible to seek compensation and recover damages under the law. The majority of accidents that involve traumatic brain injuries are caused by the negligent actions of one or more people.

Our staff and our team of Boston brain injury attorneys will work with you to protect your rights and defend your best interests after a traumatic brain injury accident. We know the obstacles you are facing and what needs may arise in the future due to your injuries. We will fight for the maximum amount of compensation allowed by law for your injuries and other damages. The sooner you speak to a qualified brain injury lawyer from Rubenstein Law, the more likely your personal injury case will have a successful resolution.

What Should I Do if I Think I Have a Traumatic Brain Injury?

If you are involved in an incident that causes you to sustain a TBI, the first thing you should do is seek prompt medical attention. After you have been diagnosed and learned what treatments you require, you can focus on defending your rights. Massachusetts law affords us the opportunity to pursue financial recovery from the liable party for your damages.

Contact the Boston brain injury lawyers at Rubenstein Law by calling (800) FL-LEGAL for a free review of your potential brain injury case. Our personal injury lawyers will examine the circumstances surrounding your accident, evaluate the evidence, and go over all possible avenues for compensation.